Field of Reeds, Land of Peace
Lawful Good (mostly), Lawful Neutral (faintly)
The first layer of Aaru is called Desheret. It appears as red shifting sands within a night sky filled with the dim, glittery glow from the Astral Plane. It a perpetual silvery twilight.
There is a strange sense of direction that points a traveler toward what feels like the East, where -- maybe -- there appears to be slightest bit of difference in light. It being brighter there, but almost insignificantly so. One feels compelled to travel in that direction, toward the promise of more light.
Desheret is where certain souls migrate to have their heart's measured against that of a giant feather. Only the purest of souls are allowed to continue their journey to the East, toward the next plane of Aaru, called Kemet.
Souls whose hearts are heavy with sin and misdeeds are cast down into Duat, another layer of Aaru that is adjacent to Limbo, that exists as a quasi underworld. In Duat, souls are allowed to migrate. If they shed their sin while dodging Apep, the devourer of souls, they stand a chance to transcend this plane back to Desheret. Their return journey to Desheret would again require one's heart be weighed against the giant feather.
Once a soul is allowed to enter Kemet, it will find black fertile soil that resides next to a large river. A path will emerge, taking the soul on a long journey that goes through a number of important gates. Each gate is guarded by a daemon. These daemons will test souls who wish to pass through gates. Passing a test allows the soul to pass through a gate to continue the journey. The last gate is the entrance to the final layer, called Re (light).
Common Inhabitants
The following creatures are common in this plane: souls that follow Ra, Osiris, Isis, and such, a myriad of daemons, and lesser and greater gods. It is thought there are sphinx here.
Unique Inhabitants
Ra (god)
Lord of Light and Order
He appears as a man with the head of a hawk, but nearly always magnificently dressed.
He is King of the Gods here and works to gain order.
Apep (god)
Eater of Souls
He appears as an attractive, green-skinned male wearing fine clothes and possibly holding a crook and flail.
He routinely journeys from his domain in the Abyss and takes on the form of a giant snake to eats souls. He is the enemy of Osiris.
Isis (god)
Mistress of Healing, Protection, and Motherhood
She is a beautiful woman who often wears an ornate sheath dress.
Her powers are that of a creator and healer. She is wife to Osiris and mother to Horus (see Limbo).
Osiris (god)
Master of Life and the Dead
He appears as a giant snake.
His domains are life and death; he is associated with agriculture, the dead, afterlife, and ressurrection. He is a husband to Isis and father to Horus (see Limbo).
Set (god)
Master of Disorder and Violence
He has the body of a human and the head of a jackyl.
His the enemy of Horus and Osiris and is thoroughly evil. He lives in a low layer of Aaru connected to Hades via a hidden gate.
Locations of Interest
None are known.