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Updated August 25th, 2024 

Interactive Map: Outer Planes of Existence

The Outer Planes of existence are metaphysical spaces and energies. The Scrolls of Kalieasus places these spiritual planes at the periphery of the world. The Outer Planes exist on two axes: law/chaos and good/evil. The upper planes draw their energies from the Positive Plane and the lower planes draw their energies from the Negative Plane. It is believed that nothing exists on those polar planes except pure energy from Desamar. The Outer Planes are linked together by the Astral Plane.

Inner Planes Elysium Paradise Nun Aaru Limbo Abyss Hades Hell Asgard

Astral Plane
To get to the Astral Plane, one must use a spell or magical item. Once there, adventurers exist in a bright, silvery space. Brighter distant dots of light fill the void and they appear to be very far away. Looking back, one would notice a chord attached to the back of the adventurer, called the silver cord. The chord can be felt and it quickly disapates in the direction of one's plane of origin. Looking back further, one would see the Material Plane (if that is where the adventurer entered the Astral Plane) through a shimmering disk.

Moving on this plane requires thought. One wills movement in any direction.

Navigating the plane to reach a destination is difficult. It is best to have a guide who knows how to read the astral lights and has been trained how to will movement to a particular destination. It is not advised to experiment with navigation because stumbling into an outer plane can be extremely dangerous. One could accidentally fall into the endless pit of the Abyss, for instance.

It is believed there are creatures who dwell here. Thought eaters come here to feed on the mental state of travelers, although they do not live here. Many other creatures use this silver space to go from one plane to another. So, many extra-planar beings travel the Astral Plane. Angels, devils, demons, gods, demi-gods, and more move about here. Those being not wishing conflict move as quickly as they can from one plane to another.