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Updated June 26th, 2024 


There are three towers that exist in the city of Nithnamar. There is the main tower, called Nithnamar Tower, which this page will address. There are two lesser towers, called Towers Hybithnius (for druids) and Kragnan (for clerics), which are addressed on their own pages. Tower Nithnamar is the tower dedicated to magic-users in their pursuit in harnessing magic in accordance with The Twin Gods.

Within this section are the following topics:

The Art of Spellcraft
image 1, Google Gemini Magic-users, also known as spellcasters, wield the power to bend reality to their will. This arcane art relies on a wellspring of power, often fueled by spoken words (verbal components), precise hand movements (somatic components), and specific materials (material components). With practiced incantations, intricate gestures, and careful manipulation of energy, these individuals can unleash a torrent of fire, levitate themselves from danger, or even reshape stone to create passageways.

However, the art of spellcraft demands a meticulous approach. A misstep in pronunciation, a misplaced gesture, or a misplaced emphasis on a syllable can lead to catastrophic consequences. Spells may fizzle out harmlessly, or worse, backfire with devastating results. This is why magic-users devote themselves to years of rigorous study, mastering the intricate components that weave the tapestry of a spell.

The Ith
These components are known as the Four Pillars of Spellcraft or simple as The Ith or Iths:

  • Gith: The language of gestures, a series of intricate movements that act as physical manifestations of the caster's intent. Masters of gith, known as githmancers, dedicate their lives to perfecting their movements, both to enhance their own abilities and to instruct younger mages. Their research delves into the subtle nuances of body language that can unlock new magical possibilities.
  • Hith: The crucial study of material components. Certain spells require specific materials to act as anchors, focusing the caster's will and channeling the raw magical energy. These components can range from mundane objects like rare flowers or gemstones to more esoteric ingredients like animal scales or the ground bones of dangerous creatures. Hithmancers dedicate themselves to understanding the properties of these materials, how they interact with different types of magic, and even the ethical sourcing of such components, ensuring a sustainable and responsible practice of spellcraft.
  • Mith: The art of vocalization, emphasizing specific words and syllables within an incantation to channel the raw power needed for a spell to take effect. Mithmancers, masters of mith, meticulously dissect the power words within spells, studying their origin, pronunciation, and the subtle nuances of emphasis that can dramatically alter the outcome.
  • Nith: The study of the power words themselves, delving into their history, meaning, and the way they interact with each other. Nithmancers, scholars of the arcane tongue, pore over ancient texts, deciphering forgotten languages that hold the key to unlocking new spells and unraveling the very essence of magic.

Transmutation Magic
The misuse of transmutation magic, a potent form of spellcraft that permanently alters reality, is strictly forbidden. Spellmasters believe that unchecked transmutation magic has inflicted deep wounds upon the land, causing an imbalance in the natural order. Seers, attuned to the subtle tremors of magical energy, actively aid hunting down those who dare dabble in forbidden transmutation, safeguarding the delicate fabric of reality.

Gaining Knowledge from Veteran Mages
image 3, Google Gemini Given the demanding nature of spellcraft, aspiring magic-users dedicate a significant portion of their lives to mastering this intricate art. The most efficient path lies in seeking guidance from experienced mages. These veterans serve as invaluable mentors, offering crucial assistance in several ways:

  • Decoding the Four Pillars: Veteran mages can provide a deeper understanding of The Ith. Their expertise helps apprentices refine their movements, pronunciation, knowledge of arcane languages, and the proper use of material components.
  • Grimoires and Beyond: Experienced mages often possess rare spellbooks (grimoires) containing powerful spells and forgotten knowledge. Apprentices may be granted access to these resources, allowing them to learn and copy spells to expand their repertoire.
  • Practical Experience: The true test of a spellcaster lies in applying their knowledge in real-world situations. Veteran mages can guide apprentices on adventures, allowing them to practice their craft and develop their problem-solving skills while facing magical challenges.

Through this rigorous apprenticeship, young magic-users gain not only the technical expertise but also the wisdom and experience necessary to become accomplished spellcasters.

Renowned Tomes
Here are several pivotal tomes that every spellcaster must be familiar. The only way to become a wizard is to fully memorize these works and commit to daily practice, else knowledge of these details will degrade spellcasting ability.

The Ith by Nithdol
This ancient tome, penned by the legendary Nithdol, laid the groundwork for the Four Pillars of Spellcraft -- gith (gestures), mith (vocalization), nith (power words), and hith (material components). Nithdol's meticulous attention to detail and groundbreaking work earned him such acclaim that a city and a tower were named in his honor.

Powerwords by Bodin-grintza
Bodingrintza's work, Powerwords, revolutionized the study of nith (power words) within spellcraft. She established the concept of root words and defined acceptable combinations of prefixes and suffixes within incantations, creating a standardized system for maximizing magical efficacy.

Airclaw by Foiclath
Despite his physical limitation of having only one hand, Foiclath's dedication was unparalleled. His book, Airclaw, made advancements in gith (gestures) through elaborate, meticulously detailed illustrations of his unconventional methodologies. These illustrations have become the definitive reference point for mastering precise hand movements in spellcasting.

Powerspeak and Hiding Knowledge by Viomi Longtongue
Viomi Longtongue, the last of a lineage known as the Longtongues, possessed an exceptional ability to translate sounds into written language. He leveraged this unique talent to create Powerspeak, the definitive guide to mith (vocalization) within spellcraft. Powerspeak details precise pronunciations and techniques to achieve specific magical effects through sound. His second book, Hiding Knowledge, delves into the art of magical codes and puzzles, offering insights into concealing powerful spells within seemingly innocuous text.