Sesamar Campaign
 [ Realm Home ] [ LocationsNithnamar > Tower Kragnan
Updated June 26th, 2024 


gesture 1, Google Gemini There are three towers that exist in the city of Nithnamar. There is the main tower, called Nithnamar Tower (for magic-users). Then there are two lesser towers, called Towers Hybithnius (for druids) and Kragnan. This page is centered on Tower Kragnan, the tower dedicated to clerics in their pursuit of helping themselves and others in understanding The Twin Gods.

Tower Kragnan isn't merely a humble grey structure; it's the cornerstone of cleric ideology and research throughout the Western and Eastern Lands. Within its hallowed halls, generations of clerics have honed their connection to the divine, unraveling the mysteries of faith and wielding their power for the betterment of the world. Tower Kragnan is the manifestation of faith and the unwavering commitment of clerics who strive to shape a better world through the light of their devotion.

Within this section are the following topics:

Cleric's Creed
The core tenets of their belief system, known as the Cleric's Creed, are a call to action. Clerics don't view their faith as a passive practice; they are compelled to actively embody goodness. Their role is to uplift those around them, shepherd society towards progress, and mend the wounds of the past.

Cleric's Creed
"I strive to embody goodness by aiding others, advancing society, and rectifying past wrongs."

The Devine Duality
gesture 2, Google Gemini This philosophy is deeply rooted in the concept of a divine duality -- the Father and the Mother. The Father, a symbol of unwavering protection and raw power, embodies the vital energy that courses through the world. The Mother, on the other hand, represents the wellspring of life and compassion, her essence woven into the very elements that sustain existence. Clerics view these two deities as complementary forces, forever bound together -- a concept embodied in the sacred utterance, "From the two, one is born." Together, the dyad forms spirit and knowledge.

Sacred Words
These pronouncements, along with others like "Sesamar," "Desamar," "Twin Gods," and "The Twins," are more than mere words. When spoken by a cleric, they are always uttered with reverence, accompanied by ritualistic hand gestures that physically manifest their devotion.

Ritualistic Gestures
The clerics in Sesamar have a variety of gestures that they use. They bow to show respect, kneel to demonstrate humility, and do synchronized clapping in song for fellowship. However, there are more significant gestures worth noting.

The "Ascension and Offering" gesture represents commitment to the divine and a willingness to offer oneself in service.

Ascension and Offering Gesture
Fingertips (index and middle finger from right hand) touch the forehead, then heart before tracing a circle around the chest.

The "Unification and Binding" gesture signifies the cleric's connection to both aspects of the divine -- the unwavering power of the Father and the nurturing essence of the Mother.

Unification and Binding Gesture
Index fingers are held skyward while hands are shoulder length apart. Next, hands become interlocked with fingers curled together.

Renown Tomes
These three books are foundational to cleric beliefs. They are mandatory reading when training as an intitiate, reflecting on current events and decision making, and developing long term courses of action.

Dyad by Doripthus
Focus: Social Order, Duality in Nature, The Twin Gods (Sesamar & Desamar)
Significance: Paved the way for the concept of the Twin Gods, subtly challenging pagan beliefs. Explores the meaning of the Father and Mother archetypes.

The Father by Sanctivus
Foundation: Builds upon Doripthus' concept of the Father archetype from Dyad.
Philosophy: Emphasizes action and the dangers of transmutation magic (see Age of Neltinus).
Contribution: Sheds light on the Planes of Existence by drawing connections between their manifestation and action/thought processes.

Deliver by Pregnogna
Predecessor: Expands upon Dyad's ideas, focusing on the Mother archetype.
Core Tenet: Establishes a "bound triad" -- the interconnectedness of social order, logic, and environment for a peaceful and free society.
Legacy: Her work was so influential during the Age of Salamundi that the word "pregnant" became derived from her name and these crucial concepts.