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Updated February 1st, 2025 


©Scott Hibberson, Posted with Permission
Multi-class characters are player or non-player characters who are learning more than one class at the same time. Such a character can be learning how to use melee weapons and how to cast spells concurrently. However, there are some issues that will have to be addressed.

Racial Requirements
Any demi-human race can multi-class in Sesamar. The only restriction to being a multi-class character is ability and access to mentor(s). Demi-humans seem to have a preference to studying multiple classes because they are inherently magical creatures who like to dabble thusly and they have a long time to progress along those lines. Yet, not all situations are equal when considering multi-class combinations. For instance, a half-orc trying to learn how to cast magic-user spells is going to encounter great difficulties. Such an orc will be restricted by its low intelligence (orcs have low intelligence) and its likely inability to find a proper mentor. When the multi-class combinations are listed below (see section Available Multi-Classes), races that commonly opt for those combinations will be listed.

Ability Requirements
To be a multi-class character, such a character has to meet the minimum requirements of all its classes. For example, a fighter/magic-user has to have both a high strength and intelligence.

Available Multi-Classes
While all combinations of multi-classes are essentially possible, they are often not feasible. For instance, learning how to be a magic-user is vexing. If one tried to learn it and how to be a devout cleric and also attempt to train as a fighter, such a character would have too many things to study at once. It would make the speed of progression in all of three areas draw to a snail's pace. It is suggested the following multi-class combinations be the normal pairing of classes, except under highly unusual situations.

Cleric / Fighter
This combination is typical for half-elves, half-orcs, and dwarves.

Fighter / Magic-User
Common races that use this combination are elves and half-elves.

Cleric / Magic-User
The races who use this combination are half-elves

Fighter / Illusionist
Gnomes like to dabble in both, but favor the illusions over the fighting, due to their small size.

Fighter / Thief
All demi-humans can enjoy this combination of classes.

Let it be said that the game is about enjoyment. Imagine a player who has ideas of a fighter who is trained by clerics to turn the undead. A good gamemaster who is adhering to game balance could have a character spend an amount of gold, time, and experience points for the training. A similar situation could exist for an intelligent cleric to be able to cast cantrips or a single first level magic-user spell. The character would have to invest coin, time, experience.

This is the genesis for the outlaw subclass (see thieves). This subclass operates under the fighter experience table and abilities but also is allowed to use only a few thief abilities along with adhering to the appropriate armor restrictions.

The point is that characters are malleable. Given the correct set of circumstances, a character can grow. A character can learn new skills if an appropriate sacrifice is exchanged in gaining those skills.