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Updated June 28th, 2024 


Illusionists transform the perception of reality.
An illusionist is a spellcaster whose magic is entrenched in changing the environment or how it is perceived (trickster magic). It demands intelligence and dexterity (create an illusionist, name an illusionist). Like magic-users, their power is derived directly from Sesamar and Desamar, but they may worship some avatar.

Illusionist hierarchy is this:

InitiateLevel 1
TricksterLevels 2 - 4
Master TricksterLevels 5 - 7
PhantasmistLevels 8 - 10
Master PhantasmistLevels 11+

Let it be known, illusionists are relatively rare in Sesamar. Finding guidance is therefore more of a challenge to these casters.

Due to the misguided transmutations of old (see History), illusionists are strongly compelled to be affiliated (to some capacity) with casters of Kornas or Nithnamar. It is a preventive way of protecting the realm from rogue casters who can cause great damage.

There are also advantages for casters who associate with casters of Kornas and Nithnamar. Rubbing elbows with other illusionists allows casters to: a) learn of events that are occurring in the realm, b) have greater access to spell components, and c) enables casters to share spells.

Illusionists must maintain a spellbook. This is the accumulation of spells an illusionist has obtained over the course of time. An illusionist may have more than one such book and can make copies of the book, given time and/or price for doing so.

An illusionist can cast a memorized spell once/day. After at least 6 hours of restful sleep and 2 hours in a relatively calm environment for meditation, an illusionist's spells will return to memory. If an illusionist chooses to reconfigure his/her spells, this will require time and access to grimoire(s) that contain the desired spells to be memorized. The time it will take to reconfigure these spells is intelligence and dexterity dependent, explained as follows.

An illusionist who wants to reconfigure his/her spells should make a list of all spells with their respective spell levels. The sum of the spell levels must be gained. Divide the sum by the average of an illusionist's intelligence and dexterity and round up. This final number is the number of days it will take the illusionist to make the exchange of spells to memory. If the process is interrupted, the DM will make a determination on the known spells the illusionist gets memorized.

The final number of days will be adjusted according to this table.

serene environmentnone
intermittent low noise or minor noises+1 days
intermittent loud noises+2 days
constant loud noisespell adjustment prevented
more than 3 brief interruptions+1 day
2 or less lengthy interruption+2 days
3 or more lengthy interruptions+1 day for each such interruption
illusionist's safety is in jeopardyhalts adjustment, DM intervention

An illusionist who wants to use a new spell must devout time to learn it. Casting spells is no easy feat, considering it requires accurate articulation and/or exact gestures. Divide the spell level of the spell by 2, rounding up, to determine how many days it will take to learn a new spell. The illusionist must have a quiet, safe space with no major interruptions in order to memorize the spell.

Illusionists can cast this cantrip at will.

Sleight of Hand
An illusionist can make a small object (coin, diamond, thimble, ...) disappear and reappear (if the illusionist so chooses). The illusionist uses gestures to distract viewers and the object can be placed in a pocket, drawer, hat, or anything within reaching distance. However, the illusionist must be working within a controlled space. The illusionist must remain stationary. Also, anyone who is allowed to probe for the object could eventually find it.

All illusionists are able to utilize 3 cantrips +1/per level after the first level. An illusionist cannot sacrifice spell slots for cantrips. Here is a list of cantrips all illusionists have access:

The illusionist makes a room of 6' by 6' look cleaner than it appears. A messy room would look less messy. A dirty room would look mildly dusty. The size of the room will increase in size 1' by 1' per level of the caster beyond the 1st level. The reverse of this spell is a separate cantrip and would have to be memorized as a separate cantrip. The effects of the spell last 1 turn/level of the caster.

Got Your Nose
The illusionist performs hand configurations that make it look like the caster has the target's nose (or ear or small appendage). The caster has to be within reaching distance of the target. To the target, it will really look like the caster has the appendage, for 3 seconds and cause momentary confusion to the target. This cantrip will break a spellcaster's concentration.

The illusionist can target 1 person per two levels of experience (rounded down). The illusionist can only target willing creatures whom have an intelligence greater than animal intelligence and be able to understand the illusionist (speak the same language). The illusionist can leave a suggestion such as a trigger word that causes a leg to raise or some other innocuous result. The recipients of the hypnosis have to be within 20' of the caster. The spell lasts 1 turn per level of the caster.

Phantasmal Face
The illusionist can make another humanoid's face look a certain way (mad, sad, curious, ...). The spell lasts for one round and the range is 30'.

Throw Voice
The illusionist is able to throw his/her voice to make a short sound (cough, groan, short word, like "ouch," ...) at a 10' or shorter distance. The distance can be beyond a wall, in a chest, or from someone else's mouth, ...

Trick the Eye
An illusionist can make the target of this spell look where the caster desires for 3 seconds. It can only target creatures whom have animal intelligence or greater and must be able to understand the caster (speak the same language). This will not disrupt a casters spell if it is in progress, but the gaze of the creature will be momentarily moved.