Sesamar Campaign
 [ Realm Home ] [ Locations ]  Wall of Castillon
Updated June 23rd, 2024 


Socioeconomics:Poor, Militerized Encampments
Ruling Body:See City of Astor
Maps:Surrounding City

Wall of Castillon, Western Lands, Google Gemini
Wall of Castillon, Western Lands
The Wall of Castillon is a barrier that prevents a hoard of Rastilian lizardmen from killing humans in the Western Lands. It rests between the White Water River and the White Cliffs, south of Astor. Astorian fighters man the wall to prevent it from being damaged or crawled over by the foul green slitherers. Astorian forces are supported by Vilmeran armor.

The wall is 40 feet high and 12 feet thick. However, lizard men have been known to have siege strategies. They bring ladders, towers, and crude catapults. The largest concern is the number of lizard men that attack. It is feared they will overrun the wall guardsmen due to a huge overwhelming force.

The Wall of Castillon rises from the earth like an impassable scar, a defiant testament to the combined might of The Western Lands. Hewn from granite and imbued with the resolve of generations, it stands as a sentinel against a nightmarish tide -- the slithering hordes of lizardmen who hunger for the fertile lands to the north.

Atop the ramparts, a constant vigil is maintained. Soldiers from Astor, their cerulean cloaks snapping in the wind, stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the stoic pikemen of Kornas and the sharpshooters of Vilmer, their unwavering gazes fixed on the horizon. Newly minted catapults, their massive wooden arms poised like predators, line the battlements at strategic intervals, a promise of fiery retribution for any who dare approach.

The air around the wall crackles with a nervous energy. Civilian movement is strictly restricted here. This is no place for the faint of heart; it is a realm of steely resolve and unwavering determination. The fate of the Western Lands hinges on the vigilance of those who stand upon the Wall of Castillon.