Sesamar Campaign
 [ Realm Home ] [ Locations ]  The Savage Lands
Updated August 5th, 2024 


Ruling Bodies:Three Independent Tribes
Maps:Western Lands South
Rumors:See below

Savage Lands, Western Lands, Google Gemini
Savage Lands, Western Lands

Located south of Rastilus, east of White Water River, and west of the Gnoll Caves, The Savage Lands is an unforgiving land of brutality claimed by three distinct tribes. These hardy barbarians, honed by a harsh environment, lack the eloquence of a civilized upbringing. Communication occurs through a blend of guttural utterances -- mere fragments of the common tongue -- punctuated by expressive gestures. Chest-pounding displays dominance, pointing fingers denote intent, and chopping motions mimic the violence of battle. Each tribe, shaped by their domain, boasts unique strengths and weaknesses.

The tribes have adapted to the unique lands that they each hold. This includes their barely domesticated lizards that they use for transportation and combat.

The Savage Lands sprawl under a relentless sun that scorches all it touches. Here, fur-clad barbarians, hardened by a brutal environment, carve out their existence. Only the strongest survive, for this is a land where life hangs by a thread. Atop lumbering lizards, these warriors clash with their rivals. Makeshift armor adorns some of these reptilian steeds and fighters, which is a desperate attempt to evade lizard bites and the cut of steel. Vicious raids erupt across the unforgiving landscape, their echoes swallowed by the vastness of the region.

  • Tribe Helgik
    Masters of fake retreats and attacks from concealment, the Helgik stalk their prey from a network of caves and ravines that pierce the western Savage Lands. Nets and stealth are their main weapons, honed to perfection in timed percision.

    To enable their guerrilla tactics, these people are lithe. They are optimally balanced by being both lean and muscular.

    Oolin, Savage Lands
    Plep, Savage Lands
    Skork, Savage Lands

    These barbarians require swift mounts. Their ground lizards are the swiftest of land-walkers. The plep is extremely nimble and fast. Skorks are a bit slower but their ability to travel fast for long periods of time is unmatched as a land lizard. Also, the skork renders a vicious bite.

    Besides the Throngik, they are the only other tribe that utilizes a flying lizard. Oolin are not as fast as the other fliers, but they are the strongest of fliers.

  • Tribe Korgik
    Sprawling across the central plains and northern scrublands, the Korgik control the largest swathe of the Savage Lands. Their dominance relies on heavy armor and the huge creatures they control.

    The life of these people depend upon them being capable of direct confrontation. This means they are large and strong. They are adept with spears and swords. There large size restricts the speed of their movement. They use a large, relatively docile blit lizard as a pack animal and is also excellent for long distances.

    Gerk, Savage Lands
    Gerka, Savage Lands
    Blit, Savage Lands

    They command large lizards. Their lizards are both huge, the male is slightly stronger and larger but slower than the female. They are called Gerk and there terrible maws can rip a human to bits with a single chomp.

  • Tribe Throngik
    Nestled near the towering mountain range, the Throngik strike from the sky with their flying creatures. Scouting from above and launching lightning-fast and well-targetted attacks, they are masters of combat by air. They use javelins and bows and arrows.

    Due to the need to fly on their lizard steeds, these people are mostly thin and agile. Only the defenders of their mountainous caves have a weighty presence.

    Gerka, Savage Lands
    Durl, Savage Lands

    This tribe is most limited with their mounts. This is because they live in caves high up in the mountains. Their skeek are extremely fast and the durl can climb to high altitudes.


  • The primitives have no mines or forges. How did these barbarians get their metal? Do they come by it as a result conquest versus or interaction with lizard men to the north at Rastilus?
  • The primitives have no spellcasters. Why have The Twin Gods not blessed these people with divine intervention? Or, do the primitives use spellcraft to secure their metals?