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Updated June 28th, 2024 


Rastilus, Western Lands, neural love, cc0
Rastilus, Western Lands

Rastilus was once a flourishing urban center. Historians speculate its decline to the moral failings of its inhabitants: specifically excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures. Yet, records indicate a period of hostility between Rastilus and the nearby city of Astor did occur. The cause for this conflict is unclear, though the legend suggests Astor's prosperity may have been a source of contention due to Rastilus' failings to accumulate its own nearby resources. The conflict turned to outright war, which culminated in the construction of the Wall of Castillon by Astor, presumably as a defensive measure.

Legends speak of a second, subterranean reptilian race that emerged and overwhelmed the weakened Rastilians. The veracity of this account and the nature of these reptilian beings remain unverified.

It is assumed Rastilus now lies in swampy ruin, west of the Dead Forest and north of the Savage Lands, serving as a potential breeding ground for threats. The city is currently occupied by a reptilian race, though a definitive connection to the legendary subterranean reptilians cannot be confirmed at this time. These lizardmen exist in great numbers.

Deep within the fetid embrace of the swamplands lies Rastilus, a sprawling metropolis not inhabited by men, but by a far more primal force -- lizardmen. Tens of thousands of these reptilian humanoids slither and scurry through a tangled network of moss-draped ancient stone structures. The air hangs heavy with the stench of decay and brackish water, a suffocating miasma that both conceals and announces the city's presence.

Driven by an insatiable hunger and a cold-blooded ambition, the lizardmen of Rastilus crave nothing less than the subjugation of the lands beyond the Wall of Castillon. Their reptilian eyes gleam with a predatory glint, and their guttural croaks echo through the swamp, a chilling serenade that sends shivers down the spines of the human settlements to the north. Astor and Vilmer watch this fetid metropolis with a wary vigilance, ever prepared to defend their lands from the encroaching tide of scale and claw.

Uncorroborated tales mention a lizard god worshipped by the reptilian inhabitants, described as lacking limbs. The existence of such a deity and its connection to the reptilian race are entirely rumor and require further investigation. Yet to travel to Rastilus would certainly be suicidal.