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Updated June 23rd, 2024 


Gnomes, Quelilesteron, Eastern Lands, neural love, cc0
Quelilesteron, Eastern Lands

Quelilesteron isn't your typical city. Nestled within a seemingly ordinary cave entrance, a massive iron internal gate guards the true marvel beneath -- a bustling gnome metropolis. Beyond the gate lies a labyrinthine network of tight tunnels, meticulously designed to confuse and deter unwelcome visitors. Compounding the befuddlement, low ceilings, rarely higher than five feet, seem to sag under their own weight. Dim light struggles to penetrate the dusty air, breeding a sense of unease that tightens a human-sized visitor's chest with each labored breath. Yet, smoothly carved chambers branch off from these tunnels, forming the heart of the city.

Quelilesteron isn't your typical city. Imagine instead a vibrant labyrinth carved directly into rock. Tight tunnels, meticulously crafted and barely taller than a gnome, weave and wind their way through the mountainside. Here and there, these tunnels open into low-ceilinged chambers, each a constant reminder to the gnomes' ingenuity and lack of height.

This isn't a place for the claustrophobic, but the gnomes who call Quelilesteron home wouldn't have it any other way. Several clans, each known for their playful pranks and repetitive songs, thrive in this subterranean haven. Bound by a shared love of invention and a good chuckle, they've built a city that reflects their quirky personalities -- a maze that echoes with laughter and the rhythmic clinking of tools crafting the next ingenious gadget.

Unlike human constructions, Quelilesteron isn't built, it's sculpted. The gnomes have meticulously carved their city directly into the living rock, creating a unique organic aesthetic, with great attention to minute detail. Some buildings appear as simple piles of boulders, but a closer look reveals them to be intricately designed dwellings, testaments to the gnomes' masterful stonework.

Despite its unconventional layout, Quelilesteron thrives. The city boasts bustling marketplaces filled with the gnomes' creations -- intricate trinkets, ingenious gadgets, and sparkling gemstones mined from the surrounding caverns. Warm, inviting taverns and ornately carved shrines dedicated to gnomish deities fill the cavernous halls, punctuated by the constant hum of happy chatter and the occasional burst of laughter.

Functioning more as a collection of collaborative clans who share a common goal than a unified city, Quelilesteron harbors a unique social structure. These gnomes are known for their gentle nature and their passion for all things miniature. They spend their days tinkering with clockwork contraptions, meticulously crafting trinkets, and filling the caverns with their cheerful, highly repetitive melodies (be warned!).

Quelilesteron maintains a network of trade with settlements: Mayland, Harrow, Xon, Tolan, Evandelith, and Loralanthalith. While naturally cautious around humans, they permit benign travelers access to their wondrous city, eager to share their creations and perhaps learn a thing or two from the "tall people."

However, if you seek the most detailed insights into Quelilesteron, bypass the gnomes themselves (they can be notoriously tight-lipped). Instead, head to the bustling city of Xon -- a major trade hub where travelers from all walks of life gather. There, you'll likely encounter someone who has ventured through Quelilesteron's labyrinthine halls and can regale you with tales of gnomish ingenuity, laughter, and perhaps even a few cleverly concealed pranks.