Sesamar Campaign
 [ Realm Home ] [ Locations ]  Yarmen
Updated June 6th, 2024 


There are hundreds of these Chain of Islands that reside north in the Sea of Fate. Here is one island:



Socioeconomics:Low, Working Class
Ruling Body:Barbarian Chief
Rumors:See below

Being far north in the Chain of Islands, Yarmen often receives a cool breeze from the far north. Upon approach to the island, visitors will find it fortified with a mixture of wood and stone structures around its perimeter. Atop walls and scout towers sit vigilant blonde-haired barbarians.

Yarmen, Chain of Islands, Sea of Fate, neural love, cc0
Yarmen, Chain of Islands, Sea of Fate

This island is far north at the northwest part of the island chain. Different from all the other chain islands, these inhabitants are barbarians (blue flag, see Crystalhammer, Western Lands). This simple village specializes in fishing and scouting for giants.

The clan is a very hardy. It has to be rugged because it often sends expeditions to the north. It is not looking to invite conflict with the giants, but it does want to know when they are on the move. The survival of the clan and the entire Western Lands depends upon knowledge of such movement, numbers of giants, and direction of travel.

Yarmen is not hostile to traders and travelers, but they are not always generous and hospitable. Barbarians are very aware of the nature of their situation -- being the closest force to a huge threat. Awareness of this constant threat makes them hypervigilant and in a constant state of preparedness.

The barbarians of Yarmen, like all other barbarians, enjoy relieving stress in creative ways. They like to fight, play games that tilt more toward physicality, and drink. In fact, their games often involve fighting and drinking.

Yarmen rarely gets frequented by travelers; so, there are no official inns. However, there are large halls that can be used to house travelers, but the conditions for such lodging will be low-end at best, but cost only 1s pp.

Yarmen does have a tavern.

Night's Watch (Tavern)
This tavern has roughly cut wooden stools, benches, and tables. There is usually a layer of sticky residue, as barbarians are keen on smashing their wooden steins before gulping down their ale.

This is rarely a calm place where thinking people come to ponder mighty thoughts.

This is a list of the drink and food specialties it offers. The costs are for travelers. Locals barter goods and services for payment.

Menu Specialties
Berry AleThis is a strong ale made from local berries. It's slightly sweet.1s
Juniper AleAnother strong ale, this one is refreshingly aromatic.1s
Giant BeerA huge wooden mug of cold, foamy beer is served. The locals say it's made with grasses and dandelion root.1s
Pork PlateIt is a hearty-sized plate of smoked, juicy pork.1s
Chicken and EggsHalf a smoked chicken is served with fried eggs and a boiled carrot.1s


  • There is a giant that was caught in a trap. The trap rests to the north of the island on the mainland of the Western Lands. It is believed the giant is part of a scouting party. When the giants from its party realize the giant is missing, they will no doubt be very upset.
  • There are barbarians who long for a conflict with the giants. Barbarians from Yarmen place traps closer and closer to the territories of the giants.