Sesamar Campaign
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Updated June 7th, 2024 


There are hundreds of these Chain of Islands that reside north in the Sea of Fate. Here is one island:



Socioeconomics:Medium and High Class
Ruling Body:Duke Xonae Danasos
Rumors:See below

The structures on this island upon approach reveal it is one of prominance. Tall government and holy structures are held upright by narrow, fluted columns topped with decorative caps. There is a curved amphitheater that holds about 20,000 people. Several massive statues line a marble prominade.

Trofi, Chain of Islands, Sea of Fate, neural love, cc0
Trofi, Chain of Islands, Sea of Fate

This island is the geographical and economic center for commerce and government for the entire island chain. The name of the island means "sustenance." This is a fitting name because the policies it enacts (law, trade, taxation, ...) affect how the entire island chain performs.

This island is the most opulent of all the islands in the chain. It has outdoor and indoor performance areas for plays and musicians. (See the main thrust of Heridotinos' play, Caliptokos.)

This island is known for banking and pawnbroking. There are no official shops for bartering, but people do it on an individual basis.

Notable Taverns/Bars/Inns: Chryso kai Asimi ("Gold and Silver") (T), Chalkos ("Copper") (B), Peraste Ligo Chrono ("Spend Some Time") (I), and Polyteles Pandocheio ("Luxury") (I). Rich travelors can easily rent homes here. The typical home rental cost is per week: acceptable (40s), comfortable (15g), and wealthy (80g or 95g with attendant).

Chryso kai Asimi or "Gold and Silver" (Tavern)
This lavish tavern is set with long tapestries depicting poets and leaders, ceramics covered with gods and heroes, and ornate candle holders made of glass and metal. The circular large tables have finely carved leafy designs across their circumferences.

The atmosphere is usually lively and loud with competing conversations that have amplified everyone's speaking voice. The tavern is typically run by several waitstaff who are all dressed with matching formal attire.

This is a list of the drink and food specialties it offers.

Menu Specialties
The PoetThis ale is described as: "A flavor that dances across the mouth. Two of these will make men more charming and women more easily charmed."1s
The PoliticianIt is a strong beer that makes everything sound believable. It has hints of cardamom (a complex peppery, piney, and eucalyptus flavor).1s
Hera's BloodIt is a deep, dark red colored wine made from local non-ripe grapes. It has an initial slightly cinnamon sweet taste but finishes acidic and dry.3s
Athena's TearsThis white wine comes in a large chalice. It has a beautiful blend of sweetness and saltiness. One will detect delicate honey and lemon flavors.3s
Seared MeatLemon peppered meat (chicken, lamb, or pork) is first boiled then pan-seared. It comes with carrots and served on a bed of lettuce.2s
Cheese and OlivesHunks of white, crumbling, salty cheese (locals call it diaskedasi or "fun") are served with a handful of olives.1s

Chalkos or "Copper" (Bar)
This is a series of four nearly identical bars that exist throughout the area. The name is allegedly based on a joke about offering less expensive drinks but at a fast pace for people who are in a hurry.

The atmosphere is usually lively with people coming and going. While there are small tables for people to sit, most people stand using the bar and rails around the perimeter of the spaces.

This is a list of the drink and food specialties it offers. Non-alcoholic drinks costs are as shown and they come with free refills. Alcoholic drinks are also as marked per serving. Some people do order singles, doubles, and triples.

While bars do not serve food, street vendors camp outside Chalkoses. Venders serve small vegetable pies, leaf-wrapped fishes, and cheeses.

Menu Specialties
Barley TeaIt is hot and made with barley and honey. A wine additive is optional.1s
Lemon TeaIt too is hot and made with lemon and honey. A wine additive is optional.1s
Hera's MilkIt is made from goat's milk and honey. A wine additive is optional.1s
Ares' BiteThis hot cider is made from apples. It is sweet with honey but packs a sour smack. A wine additive is optional.1s
Copper WineEither red or white, the wine is always decent.1s
Copper AleIt is made with honey and it comes in a large mug to handle a generous pour.1s

Peraste Ligo Chrono or "Spend Some Time" (Inn)
This inn is exceptionally clean and neat. It is a large complex complex of rooms made mostly of some sort of clay mixture that is whitewashed with a limestone mixture. The inn is set away from the noise and commotion from commerce and entertainment.

The hired staff are warm, efficient, and helpful. They are always appreciative of tips and often remind guests of their willingness to accept coins.

This is a list of rooms it offers.

Rooms 1-20These rooms are small. They contain a large bed and a chest with blankets. They sleep up to 3 people comfortably. They are provided with a chamber pot.4s
Rooms 21-30These rooms are larger than the previous rooms and they are slightly more lavish. They contain a single medium-sized bed each. They sleep up to 2 people comfortably. They are provided with a chamber pot and a chest with blankets.6s

Polyteles Pandocheio or "Luxury" (Inn)
The exterior of the inn is rests in the city center. There are stone fluted columns, tapestries, marble statues, and more luxurious items. It is worthy of the most high guest. All rooms are sound-dampened for discrete comfort and leasure.

The hired staff are expertly efficient and knowledgeable and can get guests nearly anything they request. Tipping is officially not allowed.

This is a list of rooms it offers.

Rooms 1-10These rooms are large. They contain three separate but connected chambers with a huge bed in two chambers and a grand desk in the other. Each chamber has its own private attedant.5g
Rooms 11-20These rooms are enormous. They contain two separate but connected chambers with a huge bed in one chamber and a grand desk in the other. It comes with a private attedant.10g


  • A dealer overheard a plot to assassinate the king.
  • Adventurers come to learn through a city guard that bribes are occuring that allow select businesses to pay less taxes.