Sesamar Campaign
 [ Realm Home ] [ Locations ]  Gorgona
Updated June 6th, 2024 


There are hundreds of these Chain of Islands that reside north in the Sea of Fate. Here is one island:



Socioeconomics:Medium, Some High Class
Ruling Body:Regent Ionius Samnis
Rumors:See below

The island is busy with the sailboats of traders and shippers. Whether materials or people, boats are constantly unloading and loading here. It is the market that never closes.

Gorgona, Chain of Islands, Sea of Fate, neural love, cc0
Gorgona, Chain of Islands, Sea of Fate

Gorgona means "mermaid." Locals insist the island is frequented by fair, enticing mermaids.

The island rests 60 miles southeast of Trofi and southeast from the center of the chain of islands.

The trade at Gorgona is extremely good. It is attributed to the superior positioning in the island chain, appropriate policies of Trofi, and the presence of royal ships from Kornas. It receives freshly caught fish from Xifias, produce from Anemos and Aphrodite, and art from Pasithea.

Notable Taverns/Bars/Inns: Symfonia ("Agreement") (T), Grigora ("Quickly") (B), and Afto Einai Sosto ("That is Right") (I).

Symfonia or "Agreement" (Tavern)
Symbols of Hermes' wings are everpresent in this establishment, which is the well-known sign for commerce on the islands. The walls contain winged artwork. The tables are painted with little wings around their perimeters.

Staff wear loosely fitted linen tunics that leave one shoulder bare, called an exomis.

This is a list of the drink and food specialties it offers. The names of its drinks and foods are meant to honor the gods.

Menu Specialties
The ApolloThis is a mild beer, but a wonderfully complex taste of cinnamon, honey, and pumpkin flavors.3s
The ArtemisIt is a mild, semi-sweet beer that contains flavors of redberry but with a pine aroma.3s
The DionysusThis red wine is made from redberries and disguises its potent alcohol content too well. It's served as a large portion in a huge goblet.3s
The HadesThis strong dark beer contains a mysterious flavor that tastes something between mint and earth. If it is drunk too quickly, the imbiber's tongue goes numb. One serving is allowed per person per day.8s
Chicken SticksChicken that is kabobed with garlic, onions, and tomatoes is provided on three sticks. It is a generous portion size.3s
Cheese and OlivesHunks of white, crumbling, salty cheese are served with a handful of olives.1s

Grigora or "Quickly" (Bar)
This is a small establishment. There are few seats. Many regulars order, slam their drinks, and go on their merry way to either buy or sell products.

The slender female bartenders wear tight and short tunics.

This is a list of the drink and food specialties it offers.

Menu Specialties
Lemon BeerThis is a mild beer that offers a simple but refreshing lemon taste.1s
Honey AleIt is a mild, sweet beer that contains a strong honey taste.1s
Minotaur BloodThis is deep red semi-sweet mead. There is a hint of strawberries.3s

Afto Einai Sosto or "That is Right" (Inn)
This inn is made of stone (1st floor) and wood (second floor). Upon entering the inn, a desk is mostly hidden behind a counter. A pretty woman with long black hair, named Strataxa, usually works the counter. Her daughters Stini and Achisa tend to the rooms and act as go-fers.

This is a list of rooms they offer.

Rooms 1-10These rooms are medium-sized and come with two beds that each sleep three. It contains a chest with blankets and a chamber pot.2s pp
Rooms 11-16These rooms are large. They contain two large-sized beds. The beds each sleep two people very comfortably. They are provided with a chamber pot and a chest with blankets.5s pp


  • Several thieves from the Friends of Findus guild (Vullaria) have set up shop on the island. They are targeting wealthy tradesmen, travelers, and shopkeepers.
  • Some unsavory men have come to visit the island with the purpose of putting pressure on shopkeepers to lower and raise prices on a variety of items. It is suspected it has something to do with elicit activities via Caliptokos.