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 [ Realm Home ] [ Locations ]  Aphrodite
Updated June 7th, 2024 


There are hundreds of these Chain of Islands that reside north in the Sea of Fate. Here is one island:



Socioeconomics:Low, Working Class
Ruling Body:Regent Margaxa Lamankis
Rumors:See below

The only experience more sweet than a first kiss is to gaze upon a woman from Aphrodite.
The only disappointment more bitter than coming to terms with one's own demise is the thought of not ever gaining the love of a woman from Aphrodite.

Lines from Heridotinos' play, Epithymia (Wish)

Aphrodite, Chain of Islands, Sea of Fate, neural love, cc0
Aphrodite, Chain of Islands, Sea of Fate

This island is named after the goddess of fertility. It was named so because 1) the large tracks of land are bountiful and 2) the native women of this island are extremely attractive. Heridotinos, the modern playwrite and poet of Trofi, once said all the women of the chain of islands are like flowers in a dessert -- epithymia. The gist of it means he desires them all equally.

The ladies of Aphrodite are all extremely beautiful. It really is odd, considering humans vary in attractiveness everywhere else. It is common knowledge that suitors are willing to offer highly valuable reverse dowries to gain them as wives.

This large island focuses on farming grapes, olives, and grain. It grows hops (originating from Xon) and is the only land in the non-East to do so!

This island is abundant with a flower that blooms every third month. It stands a foot high and the flowers are pink. The islanders call it cheilia or "lips." The plant is sought after. People make it into tea, create what they believe to be love potions, or introduce it to wine to give it a refreshing bouquet. The hysteria around this plant makes this island a frequent destination by non-islanders, which causes fathers to keep close eyes on their daughters during this times of year.

The tops of hills are littered with wooden windmills. The daughters of farmers take the grain up to the windmills to grind the grain to flour. The island rests 50 miles from the eastern shore.

Notable Taverns/Bars/Inns: Omorfia ("Beauty") (I), which resides far from the farms and farmer's daughters.

Omorfia or "Beauty" (Inn)
This is a simple inn used to keep visitors to Aphrodite.

Run by a stout couple who speak using broken common tongue, Adonaxos and Lyna Samros. Their two curly-haired sons, Ionus and Tosinos, speak perfect common tongue but they all accommodate those whom rent a bed.

This is a list of rooms it offers across several properties.

Rooms 1-5These rooms are tiny with little leg room around the bed. They contain a large bed that sleeps three and a chest with blankets. They are provided with a chamber pot.2s pp
Rooms 6-10These rooms are small with a little bit of leg room around the bed. They contain a large bed that sleeps three and a chest with blankets. They are provided with a chamber pot.3s pp
Rooms 11-13These rooms are medium-sized. They contain a large bed that sleeps three comfortably. It comes with a chest with blankets and a chamber pot.5s pp
Rooms 11-13These rooms are medium-sized. They contain a large bed that sleeps three comfortably. It comes with a chest with blankets and a chamber pot.6s pp
Rooms 14-15These rooms are large. They contain a large bed that sleeps two very comfortably. It comes with a chest with blankets and a chamber pot.15s pp


  • Nefarious men from Caliptokos want to introduce a weed to the island. It is believed they want to stifle the growth of cheilia for an unknown, but likely lucrative, reason.
  • Schemers from Caliptokos are offering farmers who have daughters huge reverse dowries. They seek to use these farmers' daughters as courtesans in Paksmuth.
  • A powerful female lich so powerful and so distraught with her skeletal appearance finds the women of Aphrodite to be an affront to her looks. She will use a wish to have men find the ugly beautiful and the beautiful ugly. The lich is said to reside somewhere on the peninsula near the Straits of Plinius (by Evandelith).