Sesamar Campaign
 [ Realm Home ] [ Locations ]  Goblin Lands
Updated June 22nd, 2024 


Purchased on April 4th, 2024 from Eugene Jaworski
©Eugene Jaworski, Posted with Permission

Goblins live in the Eastern Lands east of Bulgous and northeast of Tolan. They are foul tempered, quick to react, and believe in safety in numbers. They are individually very weak, but their strength comes from sheer numbers. They like to fiddle with small things (like coins and locks) and they are fascinated with magic and magical items.

Regarding their numbers, they are usually led by a powerful force, like a team of hobgoblins (see Hobgoblin Lands), a cleric, necromancer, or such. They are too quick to degenerate to petty squabbling if left alone, especially if large numbers of goblins exist. According to reports by mountain dwarves (see Tolan), there are a large number of goblins in these lands.

Venture into The Goblin Lands at your own peril. This unruly territory is less a nation and more a chaotic sprawl, mirroring the nature of its diminutive denizens -- goblins who stand no more than a man's waist in height. Imagine a deprived wasteland and an air thick with the unmistakable stench of The Goblin Lands -- a pungent assault on the senses that lingers long after you've left. Unlike the overpowering fecal reek of bugbears, the goblins' signature odor is a heady mix of stale sweat, unwashed bodies, and something vaguely akin to sour urine.

Goblins wear their body odor as a badge of honor, a perverse symbol of tribal belonging. Their ramshackle settlements, cobbled together from scavenged scraps and twisted branches, blend seamlessly into the already fetid environment. The constant cackling laughter, guttural squabbling, and the rhythmic clang of crude weaponry being hammered into existence completes the sensory assault that is The Goblin Lands. It's a place where danger lurks around every urine-soaked rock, and where even the most seasoned adventurer would be wise to hold their breath.

Goblin tactics depend on their numbers in comparison to their enemy. When their numbers are several times their opposition, they will force an open attack. If their numbers are not great, they will use diversionary tactics, traps, lead attackers into tunnels to lower the effectiveness of their opposition.