Sesamar Campaign
 [ Realm Home ] [ Locations ]  Gnoll Caves
Updated June 28th, 2024 


Gnoll holding a whip, Google Gemini

Gnolls are upward walking humanoids averaging 7 feet in height, exhibiting a mix of canine and human characteristics. The head resembles that of a hyena, with a powerful jawline, coarse fur, and prominent ears. The body is muscular and covered in sparse fur, often reddish-brown or gray in color.

They are highly territorial and exhibit strong pack-hunting instincts. They operate in groups of at least five individuals, with larger packs posing a significant threat. They display a predilection for violence and are known to enslave captured humanoids for manual labor or worse.

Gnolls primarily reside in subterranean environments west of the Sea of Fate and east of the Savage Lands, with known settlements documented within cave systems. However, their nomadic tendencies lead them to roam extensively across land and sea in search of resources.

Gnoll holding a whip with a female slave, Google Gemini

They target settlements and smaller communities, aiming to capture slaves and acquire materials. Their raids are often swift and brutal, exploiting overwhelming numbers to subdue their prey.

While primarily concentrated in the region known as "The Gnoll Caves," gnolls have exhibited a surprising level of mobility. Confirmed sightings of gnoll raiding parties have been reported across diverse locations:

Sea of Fate: Gnolls operating as pirates in the southwest, posing a threat to maritime trade.
Gulf of Mora: The northernmost confirmed sighting of gnoll pirates, causing widespread alarm in the Western Lands.

An oppressive silence hangs heavy over what was once had to be a bustling village. Buildings, stripped bare and scarred, stand as skeletal monuments to a forgotten past. Broken shutters flap listlessly in the wind, revealing an awful emptiness where windows once offered a glimpse into lives long extinguished. Rotting shingles, warped and grotesque, cling precariously to sagging roofs, threatening to give way without warning.

The air itself feels thick and polluted, choked by a stench that goes beyond mere decay. It's an almost undescribable smell, save for the trace of a metallic tang of blood. An unnatural chill crawls down your spine, a primal fear whispering of violence and barbarity.

Beyond the shattered remnants of the village, the scarred flanks of the hills are pierced by a series of gaping cave entrances. These cavernous maws, shrouded in an inky blackness that seems to devour the very light, radiate a piercing sense of dread. They are the festering wounds in the earth, the undeniable mark of the creatures that claim this place as their own.

Reports indicate a cooperative dynamic between gnolls and hobgoblins of Hob'goroth, though the nature of this alliance remains unclear. Information on gnoll interaction with lizardmen is unknown. Further investigation is suggested for only the bravest of adventurers.

Gnolls present a significant threat to the stability of the region. Their nomadic lifestyle, predatory instincts, and potential alliance with other hostile forces necessitate further study and the development of effective mitigation strategies.