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 [ Realm Home ] [ Locations ]  Brightwood
Updated August 5th, 2024 



Socioeconomics:Does Not Apply
Ruling Body:Does Not Apply
Maps:Eastern Lands North

Brightwood, Eastern Lands, Google Gemini
Brightwood, Eastern Lands

Brightwood is said to be a place where mystical forest creatures live. It is not truly known how these forest creatures will react to travelers. It is also a safe bet that elves patrol it to ensure no evil creatures will harm Brightwood.

Representatives from Hybithnius are always eager to accept samples of the flora and fauna from Brightwood.

It is a huge forest that stretches between Evandelith to the west to Loralanthalith to the east. To its north can be found the happy fields of lings (Mayland and Harrow). To its south rests the rotting vegetation of Dreadwood.

Brightwood used to have larger borders. It used to extend much farther south, to the Ogre Lands! Deforestation from orcs, ogres, and hobgoblins have decimated many areas. In the case of Dreadwood, it is a decaying incarnation of despair.

Brightwood lives up to its name. Sunlight filters through a vibrant canopy of leaves, dappling the forest floor in a mosaic of light and shadow. The air itself vibrates with life. Beyond the perimeter, vast prairies unfurl, where jewel-toned dragonflies flit and dart, playful harbingers of the wonders that lie ahead. The sweet fragrance of a thousand blooming wildflowers hangs heavy in the air, a fragrant welcome into the forest's embrace.

Step inside, and the symphony of nature explodes. Melodious birdsong spills from unseen branches, a chorus that fills the air with an ethereal beauty. Towering trees, their ancient limbs reaching out as if in greeting, intertwine overhead, creating a cathedral of emerald light. Gentle breezes whisper secrets through the leaves, causing the lush undergrowth to sway in rhythmic waves -- a verdant sea rippling beneath the watchful gaze of the towering giants.

The only reason why Brightwood forest still exists is because of the tireless work of elves. Brightwood is sandwiched between Evendelith and Loralanthalith, who send Bright Shepards and Xilalilae troops to defend it and conduct operations against orcs from it. Still, orc forces that operate from Dreadwood to the South have been able to diminish its size via deforestation.

The elves (and representatives of Hybithnius) wish to restore Brightwood to its once vast glory. Hence, there are druids who do work to understand and propagate the forest beyond its current boundaries.

There are a mixture of unique plants, animals, and funghi that call this place home. Below, a list of the unique flora and fauna will be listed.


  • Beldorn: It is a tree that grows to roughly 30 feet. Its branches form a large drooping shape, apearing like a large bell. Its leaves routinely turn red and fall to the forest floor forming a thick layer at its base. Its leaves are edible and can be quite tasty not long after leaving their branches.
  • Bruckthorn: Sharp thorns adorn the branches of this low lying plant that naturally grows in rows. When pressure is applied to the thorns, a white milky substance comes out. If the liquid enters a wound, it can make the woundbearer tired.
  • Torth: This is a tall, thick tree. Its green leaves have a yellow border around them, making the tree easy to identify. Its branches wind around the tree, making it easy to climb.


  • Carquace: Looking like a foot long rock, this frog waits for insects. Once in range of its sticky tongue, which is about two feet in length, the carquace reels in the insect into its toothy mouth. It can easily snap beetle shells and it is quick enough to snatch dragondarts. They make a strange, abrupt noise that sounds like someone clearing their throat.
  • Chirp-Pop: This yellow, black, and white bird makes distinct sounds. It has the ability to sing melodious sounds in long, unbroken varying tones. It also makes a series of popping noise, which when interspersed, makes for a blend of order and chaos too special to ever forget once heard.
  • Dragondarts: There are different colored varieties of these large flies that measure up to eight inches in length. They zip about looking for small insects like flies, mosquitos, gnats, and moths. At lowlight, they move slower and glow their distinctive colors. They have been known to move in interesting synchronized motions in large numbers. Dragondarts rarely stray far from a water source.
  • Martlet: These are slow moving, small hairy creatures who feed on leaves, especially leaves from the beldorn tree. They blend in very well to their surroundings and make a piercing crying noise if they are roughly handled or sufficiently disturbed.
  • Nymphs: Spirits who live within and around certain wildlife are known as nymphs. There are different types of nymphs: anthousai (flowers), dryads (trees), and naiads (lakes and rivers). Nymphs can dwell inside nature, cast a variety of nature magic, and move through thick forests with ease. They appear to be beautiful, youthful, and elf-like females.
  • Satyrs: These nature spirits have a yearning for music, good food and drink, and the company of a nymph (definitely not in that order). They have powerful legs, occasionally carry weapons, and can cast nature magic. Their appearance is half horse, half hairy male human. Some appear half goat, half human with horns. Satyrs are always charismatic.


  • Orange Cap: These mushrooms have orange caps that measure three inches in diameter. They prefer to line paths that naturally form from animals or humans. Glowing at night, they lead travelors across common trails.
  • Wrapshroom: This tiny mushroom forms linear patterns on trees. At night, the mushroom glows giving the illusion the tree is wrapped with lights.