Sesamar Campaign
 [ Realm Home ] [ Locations ]  Black Cliffs
Updated June 23rd, 2024 



Socioeconomics:Does Not Apply
Ruling Body:Does Not Apply
Rumors:See below

Black Cliffs, Western Lands, Google Gemini
Black Cliffs, Western Lands

On the eastern fringe of the Western Lands, north of Kornas, lies a geological anomaly. The obsidian expanse of the Black Cliffs abruptly fractures. Here, a tight treacherous path called The Serpent's Coil grants access to the enigmatic triple towers of Nithnamar.

This geological quirk serves as Nithnamar's primary defense. Ingressing forces are funneled into a narrow passage, rendering numerical superiority a moot point. The cliffs themselves, hewn seemingly from a bygone eruption, present a formidable challenge. The omnipresent sea spray renders the obsidian surface slick and treacherous, while the constant threat of rockfalls discourages all but the most skillful of climbers.

Along the northwestern shore of the Sea of Fate, a discordant note shatters the coastal serenity. The Black Cliffs rise from the churning sea, a jagged, obsidian monolith that seems to defy the very laws of nature. They pierce the sky for miles, their sheer scale both awe-inspiring and unsettling. Their surface, devoid of vegetation and polished to an unnatural sheen by wind and salt, reflects the sea and sky. There's an undeniable air of wrongness about these cliffs, as if they were carved from a different reality and haphazardly jammed into the landscape. An oppressive silence hangs heavy in their shadow, broken only by the mournful cry of gulls and the relentless crashing of waves against their unforgiving base.


  • Druids tell the story of a mythical creature, called The World Beast. Some druids say The Serpent's Coil was formed by one nail from the claw of The World Beast.
  • Sorcerers tell a tale that approach the origins of the Black Cliffs. Some of them say the stone comes from a different plane of existence. Speculations of that plane of existence are numerous.