Sesamar Campaign
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Updated April 11th, 2024 


©Dennis Boreas (on X @DennisBoreas)
Posted with Permission

These lands are sparse. While hilly, many of the trees and other resources have been stripped from the area, which is the motivating force that moves orcs outside their territories. There is a foul smell that permeates these lands.

Orcs exist in tribes that are highly organized. The names of well-known tribes are Broken Bone, Evil Eye, Hacked Hand, and Jagged Tooth. Their territories are placed as if within a large rectangle. To the northwest is Broken Bone, southwest is Hacked Hand, southeast is Jagged Tooth, and northeast Evil Eye.

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Broken Bone (NW) routinely sends raiding parties to Vullaria. It attacks farms and outlying areas. It assassinates unsuspecting guards and sends sieges against the city. It is a constant nuisance and makes travel southward from Vullaria extremely difficult. Known orcs: Ironhead, Chopper, Ripper, Lasher, and Bonesplitter.

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LukasVB at wikimedia.
Hacked Hand (SW) is the nemesis of Poxmuth. Some people have hypothesized that Hacked Hand procures slaves from Poxmuth traders, but no clear evidence exists. Some people think orcs gain slaves independent of Poxmuth assistance. Hacked Hand raiders have shown to be more cunning than Broken Bone raiders. They set up traps, like ambushes. So, this southern tribe is more of a threat. Known orcs: Ankar, Tunag, and Gok.

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Bob Burkhardt.
Jagged Tooth (SE) is a tribe that specializes in stealth squads. It sends warg riders to the far Goblin north, southwest past Joria. This tribe has also been seen working with large numbers of hobgoblins and ogres, which makes most people think there is a more powerful but unknown leadership that forces such cooperation. Jagged Tooth tribes live in underground holes within the hills. Known orcs: Fang, Tracker, and Throatcutter.

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Evil Eye (NE) is a tribe that assists the other tribes. It is the only tribe that has been seen in Dreadwood. They ride wargs like their fellow Jagged Tooth tribe. Evil Eye's main camp is the ancient Fortress of Gnilderoth -- a once vibrant human-controlled city. It is considered to be heavily fortified. Known orcs: Deathbringer and Gangrene.