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 [ Realm Home ] [ Locations ]  Goblin Lands
Updated April 16th, 2024 


Ogres live in an extremely hilly region south of Hob'goroth. These 9-foot tall, 600 pound savages are likely to live in clusters of dominant males with three to five females and their children. They are no-nonsense opponents who love eating their fallen enemies.

Ogre, Ogre Hills, Eastern Lands, Google Gemini
Ogres are large, dangerous foes with huge appetites.

Ogres reside south of the hobgoblins of Hob'goroth but west of the Howling Chasm. It is an extreme, hilled region with narrow crevices with steep walls. This is the location where ogres live and breed.

The typical ogres is about 9 feet tall and weighs 600 lbs. They are brutes who pride themselves on physical prowess. The largest, boldest ogre gets the most food, makes decisions for a cluster of ogres, and mates with the ogre of his choosing. They are likely to live in clusters of dominant males with three to five females and their children.

Not much is known about them. No one knows how many of them exist nor of their defenses. It is thought there is some sort of relationship between ogres and hobgoblins. Hobgoblins have been known to strategically use ogres as: frontal attack forces, siege weapons, and defense for retreats. They are very important for the military campaigns of hobgoblins for these reasons.

Ogres are fairly agreable when they are well fed.